QUICK HITS offers a wide array of solution driven products in finishes that are readily available. In addition to this resource we also have these products in their own CET catalog and will soon be offering these items in Spec. Of course, our other standard finishes can be used with our normal lead times. Not finding something you are looking for? We are working to expand this program and would love to hear your feedback.

Shelby Teacher Desk - mediatechnologies
Shelby Teacher Desk
With multiple storage pedestals, the Shelby Teacher Desk is a versatile teacher station. Unit is non-handed and storage can be added to either or both sides of the desk. Available with conference top option. Try mating with Kineticos or Porter for the perfect teacher station.
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Dotti - mediatechnologies
Dotti is perfect for flexible, busy settings. Whether a K-12 classroom or a collaborative office, the simple lightweight design makes Dotti a perfect fit. With a contoured rubber base, Dotti is designed to encourage movement that engages your core (and your focus!) all day long.
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CET and Spec