Tri-Star Kit: Full Time Round Ottoman, Full Time Halfback Curve, Full Time Half Round, Forum Work Table, Orbit Pick Table, Orbit Round Table, & HBLOX Hexagon
Welcome & Commons Zone: Milan Desk with Tri-Star Kit
Tri-Star Kit, Milan Desk & Arc Task Chair
Classroom Zone: Smile Chairs, Alba Desks, Hannah Stools, Cesar Tables, Rockford Pick Mobiles & Hannah Chairs
Rockford Teacher Kit in Classroom Zone: Rockford Gather Table, Dottis, Nessie Nestie Benches, Alba Desks & Smile Chairs
Classroom Zone: Smile Chairs, Alba Desks, Hannah Stools, Cesar Tables, Hannah Chairs & Rockford Pick Mobile Tables
Hannah Chairs, Rockford Pick Mobile Tables & Jane Desk with Porter Table
Rockford Gather Table with Dottis & Bookmark Bookstack Seat
Vee Stacker Desk with Bola Chairs
Work+Box Dock and Edison Table with Carlo Stools and Toto Totes
elements Activities Kit, Work+Box Dock, elements Casegoods and Drift Bench with Toto Totes
Quick Stop: Transitions Shelving with Push Pop Stools
Collaborative Commons: Zip Table, Platform Stools & Bella Stools